Mimosa Hostilis For Sale In San Diego, California
Buy Mimosa Hostilis For Sale Online
About our Mimosa hostilis (MHRB) inner root bark
Let us start with telling you that we can ship our Mimosa Hostilis quickly to you in the US & UK!
Our MHRB is true inner root bark, no other parts of the tree end up in our MHRB powder. We have taken the entire production process into our own hands.
Before milling the bark, we make sure to remove any outer bark from the root bark. Only the deep purple inner parts of the root remain.
Where To Buy Mimosa Hostilis In California
As a result, we know exactly what’s going inside the mill and what is coming out. We do the milling process in two stages,
first a coarse grinding stage to separate any unwanted fibber. After then a very fine grinding stage in which the Mimosa Hostilis turns into a fine powder. During the entire milling process, we control the temperature to make sure the bark doesn’t get exposed to too much heat. This is very crucial to let the bark remain in possession of its nice and vibrant colours!
We are offering our Mimosa Hostilis inner root bark not only in powder form but also in shredded so as whole pieces of bark.
When buying your bark from sanjosemushrooms.shop you can choose from which country it originates. You can pick either Brazilian or Mexican bark. Both are of very high quality and don’t differentiate much from each other in terms of quality. We usually see that Brazilian bark is a bit darker in colour, but it can also contain a bit more plant fat in comparison to the Mexican Bark.
COMMON NAMES: Jurema, Tepescohuite, Cabrero, Carbonal, Jurema Preta, Calumbi, Black Jeruma, Vinho de Jeruma, Yurema
We offer Mimosa hostilis inner root bark from a reputed source, a company that has years of experience in harvesting and processing high quality Mimosa hostilis root bark. We believe that this is the best quality Mimosa available on the market. We always offer a freshly harvested batch, and you can now order between 2-10kg wholesale.
We only use sustainable harvesting methods – only one root is harvested from each plant.
The fields where our harvest comes from does not receive any chemical pesticides or any chemical agents as the grass and herbs grow naturally during the rainy season and pests are naturally controlled by the six-month dry period. Also during processing, we use no chemicals whatsoever, in fact no product at all is used. This is 100% organic Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark.